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Programmable Thermostats vs. Smart Thermostats: Which Is Right for You?

A programmable or smart thermostat can help you control your Oak Forest, Illinois, home’s temperature automatically. You can save money and energy without having to remember to turn your HVAC system down or off every time you leave home or go to sleep. Smart thermostats can save more energy, and they come with lots of convenient features. However, they’re also more expensive than programmable thermostats. Here are some more of the advantages and disadvantages of smart and programmable thermostats so you can decide which technology is right for you.

Programmable Thermostats

A programmable thermostat is just as efficient as a smart thermostat when you use it in an office or other business with regular hours. To save energy with a programmable thermostat, you need to remember to set it to turn your heater or air conditioner down when you usually leave your home or office or go to sleep. Otherwise, it will use the same amount of energy as a regular thermostat.

Since most people have varying routines on weekdays and weekends, smart thermostats work better for homes. However, a smart thermostat may not be worth the extra money if you and your family tend to follow the same schedule every weekday and weekend.

Smart Thermostats

You can control a smart thermostat from your computer or smartphone, so it’s easy to make last-minute changes to your home’s temperature. Many smart thermostats can also learn from your routines and behaviors as the name implies, show your energy consumption in real time, and monitor your home’s humidity and indoor air quality. Even if you don’t program a smart thermostat when you have it installed, it can learn your routine and adjust your home’s temperature to save energy. This makes smart thermostats best for people who have an irregular schedule or don’t want to spend time setting a programmable thermostat.

Climate Master Mechanical has more than 27 years of experience, and we can help you install, maintain, and repair a variety of HVAC equipment, including programmable and smart thermostats. Call us anytime at (708) 597-5470 for excellent service.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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